Your Brain on Politics

Your Brain on Politics

When you try to understand why someone who is obviously intelligent and well informated still has such a different perspective than yours, sometimes you suspect that their brain must work differently than yours. A recent study on brain differences between Democrats and Republicans suggests that you may be right if your disagreement is a political one.

 Individuals who self identify as liberal tend to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in their brain. This is consistent with other studies which found that liberals have a greater ability to cope with conflicting information and are more open to new experiences. Those who say that they are conservative, in contrast, have a larger amygdala. This is also consistent with findings that conservatives have a greater ability to recognize a threat and show anxiety in the face of uncertainty.

 These are just general tendencies and the researchers are not sure which came first.  Areas of the brain can expand or shrink based on their use. So the question of whether political attitude are born or made is still open.

 Image from Scienceline article - [Image Credit: Lena Groeger]