December 2010

DRD4 Gene And Do Liberals Have More Sex?

Is this political or scientific?

DRD4 the 'liberal' gene

The question put before the planet? Well, the question from a study: Do liberals have more sex? -- Last night The Young Turks reported on the question and on the gene DRD4, and the effect it has on people. Studies show that people with DRD4 are more liberal than those without? And are more open to others? And are more frisky? More sexual? See the video.

Well, do liberal have more sex? Well, there is a study that says "Liberals are more intelligent than conservatives."

An Important but not Surprising Find

From  CNet -- "A microbe GFAJ-1 grown on arsenic -- . The microbe is the first known life to have a DNA structure different than all other known life forms. NASA scientists have discovered an entirely new form of life that shares no biological building blocks with anything currently known on Earth, the agency said."

NASA finds a new life form -- a new kind of life existing on earth in a lake in California. This discovery leads to all kinds of questions. Such as: How did it get there? Is it native to earth, or was it put there by an extraterrestrial visitor? A meteor? Or something else?