Hunter’s “Ghoul” Pic is Piece of Crap

Hunter’s “Ghoul” Pic is Piece of Crap

Um, I’m sorry to tell you, Mr. Hunter, but nobody believes you. There is no way that this thing you “ran across” is some kind of ghoul or monster. For starters, why the hell didn’t it eat you? If it ate you, and your footage showed, say, your fingers jumbling up and down all bloody in its masticating mouth, then it might be credible.

Seriously, were you that sauced when you were out hunting with your buddies? You figured one of you could dress up in some lame ass costume, then Photoshop the thing, and pull off some stupid hoax? Your little creature looks like a Skeletor-Gollum hybrid. Was that your intention? To blend your two loves in life, He-Man culture and Lord of the Rings CGI, and then profess that it is real? You believe it yourself, so you figured you would get the rest of the world in on your imagination to give yourself some credibility? Yeah, that’s messed up.

Here’s where my biggest beef is, besides the fact that you’re a bit of an idiot: you’re messing up the world of real cool archeological and crypto zoological finds for everyone else! I’m a huge crypto fan, and when real cool animals, new species, and creatures are found, it’s amazing. We find new animals every year—some that were once considered to be mythical!—and it never ceases to be nothing short of incredible. (Plus, proof that a real ghoul exists would be pretty freaking sweet, too—though extremely unlikely—and you making it up is just insulting.)

But when you pull a lame stunt like this, you’re taking away credibility from real scientists who actually do find super cool creatures every year. At least you’re not a real scientist, thankfully. Knowing that you were just some guy out hunting will hopefully nudge people toward simply not giving hunters credibility rather than scientists, which is something I’ve been advocating for years—so maybe I should be thanking you rather than ridiculing you.

Still, to insist that it’s real when people have already pointed out that it’s a character from some video game or old movie or whatever—that’s pretty bad, dude. Just fess up and admit that your photo is a really stupid hoax. Why not just use images like this for real, admittedly-fake fun instead? I would totally pay you to Photoshop zombies into my party pictures. It would be a lot of fun.

But it still wouldn’t be real.