The Bees are Making a Comeback!

The Bees are Making a Comeback!

Like many other Americans, I worry about the decline of the bees. Einstein said we wouldn’t survive without them, and I believe that. Every time I see the hummingbird feeder on our front porch swimming with little dead bees who were suckered into drinking the nectar, I feel like a murderer—like me wanting to attract hummingbirds has a direct effect on the universe!

Maybe it does. A butterfly’s wings, and all of that.

But there is also some good news regarding honeybees—at least, in some areas. In California, the bee populations are considered the highest they’ve been in about seven years right now, which not only helps us humans, but also boosts the economy in California.

Apparently bees account for billions of dollars for the California economy—making it the beekeeping lifestyle a pretty lucrative career. I wonder how much is involved in the industry here in the Midwest? It could definitely be worth checking out. We could definitely use the extra income, with my husband being laid off and all. It would also be educational for my daughter, as long as she’s not allergic or anything.

And then I wouldn’t feel so guilty about that damn bird feeder…