Hunter’s “Ghoul” Pic is Piece of Crap

Um, I’m sorry to tell you, Mr. Hunter, but nobody believes you. There is no way that this thing you “ran across” is some kind of ghoul or monster. For starters, why the hell didn’t it eat you? If it ate you, and your footage showed, say, your fingers jumbling up and down all bloody in its masticating mouth, then it might be credible.

Seriously, were you that sauced when you were out hunting with your buddies? You figured one of you could dress up in some lame ass costume, then Photoshop the thing, and pull off some stupid hoax? Your little creature looks like a Skeletor-Gollum hybrid. Was that your intention? To blend your two loves in life, He-Man culture and Lord of the Rings CGI, and then profess that it is real? You believe it yourself, so you figured you would get the rest of the world in on your imagination to give yourself some credibility? Yeah, that’s messed up.

Here’s where my biggest beef is, besides the fact that you’re a bit of an idiot: you’re messing up the world of real cool archeological and crypto zoological finds for everyone else! I’m a huge crypto fan, and when real cool animals, new species, and creatures are found, it’s amazing. We find new animals every year—some that were once considered to be mythical!—and it never ceases to be nothing short of incredible. (Plus, proof that a real ghoul exists would be pretty freaking sweet, too—though extremely unlikely—and you making it up is just insulting.)

But when you pull a lame stunt like this, you’re taking away credibility from real scientists who actually do find super cool creatures every year. At least you’re not a real scientist, thankfully. Knowing that you were just some guy out hunting will hopefully nudge people toward simply not giving hunters credibility rather than scientists, which is something I’ve been advocating for years—so maybe I should be thanking you rather than ridiculing you.

Still, to insist that it’s real when people have already pointed out that it’s a character from some video game or old movie or whatever—that’s pretty bad, dude. Just fess up and admit that your photo is a really stupid hoax. Why not just use images like this for real, admittedly-fake fun instead? I would totally pay you to Photoshop zombies into my party pictures. It would be a lot of fun.

But it still wouldn’t be real.

DRD4 Gene And Do Liberals Have More Sex?

Is this political or scientific?

DRD4 the 'liberal' gene

The question put before the planet? Well, the question from a study: Do liberals have more sex? -- Last night The Young Turks reported on the question and on the gene DRD4, and the effect it has on people. Studies show that people with DRD4 are more liberal than those without? And are more open to others? And are more frisky? More sexual? See the video.

Well, do liberal have more sex? Well, there is a study that says "Liberals are more intelligent than conservatives."

A study by Dr Kanazawa, published in Social Science Quarterly in March, showed that young adults who identified themselves as "very liberal" had an average IQ of 106 while those who identified themselves as "very conservative" had an average IQ of 95.

But do liberals have more sex?

My own opinion / not scientific is that most conservatives lie when asked about sex. Remembers all those "family" values guys caught in non-monogamous activity? Some with girlfriends? Some with hookers? Some with male prostitutes? Well, sex is sex, right?

My hope is that liberals are winning this one over the conservatives, and are improving the gene pool.. The human race could do with many more liberals and a lot fewer conservatives. And now there's science to back that up?!

An Important but not Surprising Find

From  CNet -- "A microbe GFAJ-1 grown on arsenic -- . The microbe is the first known life to have a DNA structure different than all other known life forms. NASA scientists have discovered an entirely new form of life that shares no biological building blocks with anything currently known on Earth, the agency said."

NASA finds a new life form -- a new kind of life existing on earth in a lake in California. This discovery leads to all kinds of questions. Such as: How did it get there? Is it native to earth, or was it put there by an extraterrestrial visitor? A meteor? Or something else?

The discovery of this different kind of a life, bacteria that can use arsenic, should be an eye-opener, a head opening event. Well, it is. It's a very big deal.

Life is formed as a result of physical and chemical reactions, and when the resources are available. To support life? Or when life finds a way to exist?

This new life form, did it evolve on earth because of the chemicals in the lake? Are there other forms of life to be found on earth, in space and beyond?

There are so many questions. And --

Though this was an earth found find, it leads to speculation that isn't so far fetch, that there are probably other forms of life else where, and out there in other parts of the universe,

Implications of new life

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UFOs Have Become Mainstream News

I can't resist alleged UFO videos, especially when they appear on major network news shows. Yesterday, Monday, on NBC's Today Show, host Dara Brown did a feature on an unidentified flying object caught on camera whizzing across the sky in Cumbria,England. Of course, she asked the question, "Is it a UFO?" NBC isn't going on record, suggesting: Holy Moses, UFOs! There might be something to UFOs, really!

Ms Brown spoke with UFO author, blogger, and expert Pat Regan who says the sighting could be either a secret military project or alien visitors.

He said: 'There has always been quite a lot of UFO activity in Cumbria. But I was amazed by the shape of the object - it is a perfect cylindrical shape. It appears in this video for about one second and you have to go into freeze frame to actually see what it is as in normal play it just appears as four black flashes on the screen." See the video.

There is a theory -- (a conspiracy theory for those who lean in that direction) -- that the government is getting the public prepared for a great big announcement, the mother of announcements, that we have visitors, and they aren't sneaking in from across the border either. And so, we see UFOs on major news shows, and that is just the first step, before this big announcement is announced.

OMG! Mad Scientists Behaved Like Nazi Bastards

Research Most Foul

Item from the Associated Press -- "The U.S. government apologized to Guatemala Friday for a study 60 years ago in which American scientists deliberately infected prisoners in that country with syphilis. The 1946 experiment was unearthed by a Wellesley College medical historian. It apparently was conducted to test the effectiveness of penicillin, which was relatively new then, in treating sexually transmitted diseases."

Shame. Nothing but shame. Eternal Shame.

If anyone is left alive who is responsible for, or is a participant in this crime, he should be locked up. Deliberately infesting people with a deadly and painful disease is a crime against humanity.

The Associated Press reports --"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said they were, in their words, "outraged that such reprehensible research could could have occurred under the guise of public health."

Strict regulations today would prohibit such medical research. U.S. officials are beginning two investigations to uncover exactly what happened and make sure today's rules are adequate."

Genetically Engineered Fish May Get FDA Approval

Do you like fish? If so, you may just like AquAdvantage, which I believe is the official trademark for the futuristic-sounding but very real genetically-engineered fish just developed for human consumption. Thus far, AquAdantage has not been approved by the FDA, but may very well be in the future, which is a frightening prospect for many reasons.

If you are a thinking person at all, you are probably wondering about the health and environmental consequences of possibly introducing a man-made species into our ponds, lakes, streams, and mouths. Many organizations have already written a letter to President Obama asking him to stop the ongoing FDA approval process- so far, there is no word from the president as to whether or not he will take defensive action on this issue.

AquaBounty Technology, who are the evil geniuses behind the new technology, claim that the major advantage to the company's new and rather creepy fish is that it grows to maturity in roughly a year less than farmed salmon (which are incidentally also an environmental risk) and that their company is actually contributing to the "Blue Revolution".

How are the fish (loving described here as Frankenfish) made?

 "To create the fish, AquaBounty begins with eggs of GE Atlantic salmon females and fertilizes them with irradiated sperm of another similar fish species, Arctic char. The eggs are then pressure-treated, causing them to produce diploid offspring (i.e. fish with two complete sets of chromosomes), with both sets of chromosomes originating from the GE female salmon. The all-female GE diploid salmon will then be treated with 17-methyltestosterone, a hormone that turns the fish into what AquaBounty calls "neomales" -- genetically female fish that produce milt (sperm) instead of eggs. The milt from the GE neomales will fertilize the eggs of non-GE Atlantic salmon, and the resulting fertilized eggs will be treated with pressure to produce the final product, a line of all-female triploid GE Atlantic salmon."

AquaBounty is intent on keeping their AquAdvantage fish safe from their competitors and are trying to ensure that all of the fish are sterile females so that they will not be able to procreate.

As I read more about the fish, I had the strange feeling that I was reading a Philip K. Dick short story or watching an episode from The Twilight Zone.  Why would anyone want to eat man-made fish? Could genetically-engineered fish ever be considered safe? Even in the flawed studies by AquaBounty, a majority of the fish had physical deformities and inflamed tissue, which would potentially mean a higher incidence of anti-biotics.

And, like most people, I am scared of what the science behind genetically-engineered animals will lead to in the future.

Big Quake Strikes New Zealand

It seems that it was earthquake prone New Zealand's turn to get hit by a major quake. Early Saturday morning, just before dawn local time, a powerful 7.0 magnitude quake struck, causing heavy and widespread damage in Christchurch, that country's second largest city, with a population of about 400,000 people. But, there have so far been few reports of injuries.

The Guardian newspaper reports -- "Christchurch mayor Bob Parker declared a state of emergency four hours after tremors rocked the region, warning that continuing aftershocks could cause masonry to fall from damaged buildings.. Residents reported collapsed buildings and bridges, as well as power cuts. Christchurch ( has been) rocked with a series of sharp aftershocks."

Five hours earlier, according to the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey); a powerful 6.3 quake struck Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska

Earthquakes are a fact of life on the planet earth. New Zealand has as many as 14,000 a year, most are tremors, which are not felt by people. New Zealand has as many as ten quakes a year that does cause damage.


A really big baby.

An infant as big as a six-year-old

In Hunan province, in southern.China, a ten-month-old baby boy, who was born at normal weight (around 7.7 lbs) has grown to be as big as a six-year-old in a matter of months. ITN News reports, that the kid weighs around 44 lbs, equivalent to the weight of normal six-year-old child.

What does this mean? I'm sure that kid and his mama both will be studied. The fears are that he may have been exposed to tainted food. But his mother said, "I feed my son with my breast milk. I've never had him take any milk powder or anything that contains hormones."

The boy is in the hospital enduring a series of tests. One could speculate that he may have some kind of giant gene. If the kid keeps growing, pretty soon he'll be ready for professional wrestling. ITN News reports that the kid is so big now, that carrying him in her arms, is tough work for his mum. See the video.

What Chemicals are in Your Medicine Cabinet?

The main reason I stopped wearing makeup was that I was concerned about its safety, as well as its impact on the environment and animals. I used to have a blast dollying up my face with all the colors of the rainbow, some glitter, and even drawing on stuff like spider webs with eyeliner. (Scoff if you will; it’s a heckuva lot of fun.)

We don’t usually think of our makeup being harmful for us, of course. We’re bombarded with ads that tell us that this foundation makes us look youthful and healthy, and that mascara makes our lashes look longer—so it must be good for us! In truth, of course, there are many ingredients and cancer-causing chemicals in what we put on and into our bodies. Most of these aren’t regulated, either.

To see how well you know your dangerous cosmetics, you can test your knowledge with these 8 debunked myths. Then, if you’re ready, you can purge the toxins out of your life.

Start with reading your labels. With the increase of natural products on the market, chances are that you may have some things that are actually safe in your cabinets. Here’s a good list of some of the most common harmful ingredients you might encounter. While it’s by no means exhaustive (and neither are the alternatives it provides—many other brands and types of products can be purchased—or made—as well), it’s a good start. Don’t feel guilty pitching anything; these chemicals are building up in your body, as well as in the bodies of the rest of your household members. Do recycle the containers if you can.

Keep a list of these ingredients handy when you shop. After just a bit of time spent researching and comparing products, you’ll soon have preferences for what you like and you won’t have to look up so much stuff anymore.

Make your own products if you prefer. It’s cheaper, very easy, and easier on the environment as well.

Finally, you can help pave the way for safer cosmetics in our country by asking Congress to support the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010. Just imagine if we could actually make all of these companies update their archaic formulas with safer, all-natural ingredients. We wouldn’t have to worry so much when we’re out shopping. And yes, it can be done; the stuff I use right now is natural and makes my hair smell like yummy tea tree oil. 
