What Chemicals are in Your Medicine Cabinet?

What Chemicals are in Your Medicine Cabinet?

The main reason I stopped wearing makeup was that I was concerned about its safety, as well as its impact on the environment and animals. I used to have a blast dollying up my face with all the colors of the rainbow, some glitter, and even drawing on stuff like spider webs with eyeliner. (Scoff if you will; it’s a heckuva lot of fun.)

We don’t usually think of our makeup being harmful for us, of course. We’re bombarded with ads that tell us that this foundation makes us look youthful and healthy, and that mascara makes our lashes look longer—so it must be good for us! In truth, of course, there are many ingredients and cancer-causing chemicals in what we put on and into our bodies. Most of these aren’t regulated, either.

To see how well you know your dangerous cosmetics, you can test your knowledge with these 8 debunked myths. Then, if you’re ready, you can purge the toxins out of your life.

Start with reading your labels. With the increase of natural products on the market, chances are that you may have some things that are actually safe in your cabinets. Here’s a good list of some of the most common harmful ingredients you might encounter. While it’s by no means exhaustive (and neither are the alternatives it provides—many other brands and types of products can be purchased—or made—as well), it’s a good start. Don’t feel guilty pitching anything; these chemicals are building up in your body, as well as in the bodies of the rest of your household members. Do recycle the containers if you can.

Keep a list of these ingredients handy when you shop. After just a bit of time spent researching and comparing products, you’ll soon have preferences for what you like and you won’t have to look up so much stuff anymore.

Make your own products if you prefer. It’s cheaper, very easy, and easier on the environment as well.

Finally, you can help pave the way for safer cosmetics in our country by asking Congress to support the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010. Just imagine if we could actually make all of these companies update their archaic formulas with safer, all-natural ingredients. We wouldn’t have to worry so much when we’re out shopping. And yes, it can be done; the stuff I use right now is natural and makes my hair smell like yummy tea tree oil.